A current definition of mindfulness is: paying attention moment by moment without judgement, on purpose. The judgement part can be a little tricky and bears some explanation. The kind of judgement referred to here implies making an observation with a declaration of good or bad attached. For some reason this upsets a lot of people when they come to realize that a large part of their lives is spent in this judgmental way.
There is a realization that this kind of judging can be an energy drain and a polarizing experience…..and perhaps it can be. I recognized that in myself when I began to practice mindfulness. As my practice matured I began to see a bigger picture in life, one where everyone and everything is on a journey to wholeness while fully experiencing the things that hold us back from that wholeness.
As I embraced this new vision of life I noticed that I was not judging the way I used to and was learning to accept the natural flow of things as they moved towards wholeness. This larger, longer view of how things are unfolding allowed me to not only let go of my judging but also develop compassion. I stopped judging myself and the world around me as I entered into that flow of wholeness which was revealed through my experience of the present moment. So, although the above definition may be ultimately accurate, the judging is something that changes gradually over time. In the beginning of practice it is best to simply recognized judgement without trying to change it. It is part of your present moment experience and will change with acceptance, letting go and the maturing of your practice.