I recently read an article about mindfulness and mind-wandering. It was a good article albeit too wordy which ironically tends to move me in the direction of unconscious mind-wandering if I am not diligent. The shorter blogging format works better for me because if I can’t express something simply I tend to wait to express it until I can. I had been thinking about this subject recently after someone in my class asked me what the difference was between “spacing out” and mindfulness.
At first glance the lines between mindfulness and spacing out can get blurred. From the outside looking in there are similarities as both approaches allow for the navigation of one experience to the next. I’ve done my share of both approaches and it seems to me that the difference is knowing when we are wandering versus not knowing. Knowing implies a connection with the experience which allows for a full spectrum embracing of what is happening. Not knowing implies that our attention can be anywhere without us actually being connected to it. This is problematic because we know that the experience of being disconnected induces and perpetuates the stress reaction. When we are disconnected (our way of coping with extreme stress) the body interprets it as meaning that there is danger present….thus the relation to stress.
Nonetheless there is something to be said for the benefits of mind-wandering/spacing out as it relates to creativity, resilience and restfulness. Combining mindfulness with wandering-mind/spacing out is something I enjoy very much. In the world of trained attention I call it choice less awareness or open focus. I liken it to shifting a car into neutral and just letting the engine idle. It allows the car to “rest” and prepare for the next engagement of the gears. Choice less awareness or open focus melds alert attention and no choice. It’s being present as the world streams through us without directing the experiences. Going with the flow so to speak but without directing the flow. That involves letting go, active acceptance and non striving. These are qualities that exist in the present moment and qualities that are complimentary to positive mind-wandering/spacing out. So feel free to enjoy the mind-wandering….just make sure you are present while doing it.