Learning to appreciate silence in our busy culture can be a challenge. The overwhelming characteristics of a busy culture are noise and activity, both of which have become the norm for us. This is not the case in other cultures where activity and noise are much less and the natural silence that is all around us and in us prevails.
Throughout history silence has been recognized and valued as part of our inner development leading to inner and outer balance. Traditional meditation is done in silence and it is known that this silent meditation can lead to a sense of peace and well being. Periods of silence outside of meditation have also been valued for centuries leading to extended periods of valuable introspection leading to deep insights on the nature of life and the age old questions of existence. These insights through silence have the ability to transform our lives in every way, making life a joy to live.
Silence is also an integral part of communication. I know this doesn’t seem to make sense at first glance since many of us equate talking with communication. The reality is that most of our communicating is done through silent body language and the little verbal communication that takes place is enhanced by being silent and listening.
Coexistence of inner silence and outer noise:
It is important to know that there can be inner silence and outer noise at the same time. We are all familiar with the outer noise which fills the spaces around us and prevents us from bathing in the silence of the ears. What is also important to know is that once the inner silence is strong enough it can be sustained in any situation including the noise around us. This is a very beneficial quality to have and leads to deeper peace and well being. Practice being silent in meditation and bring this silence into daily activity. It will reward you in many ways.
Resistance to silence:
When we begin to practice silence we may notice some resistance. Since silence is something that most of us are not used to it is not unusual to encounter some push back. When I began to practice silence many years ago I noticed that from time to time that I became bored, restless and anxious. Over the years people have told me the same thing, although it can vary significantly from person to person. I persevered with practice and gradually the resistance went away and the many benefits of silence emerged. I have seen this practice of silence unfold in this way with thousands of people who were willing to commit to the practice. You too can begin to experience and appreciate the many benefits of silence. Practice periods of silent meditation and silence in everyday life and you will discover many of the age old benefits just waiting to emerge into your life.